Disasters & Conflicts Through the Lens of the Venice Charter

International Day of Monuments and Sites 2024:

Disasters & Conflicts Through the Lens of the Venice Charter

ICOMOS Ireland WEBINAR from 16 April 2024

can be viewed here

Outline of Webinar

“Disaster and Conflict Resilient Heritage – Preparedness, Response and Recovery” was chosen as the theme for the ICOMOS Triennial Scientific Plan 2024-2027, the General Assembly 2023 in Sydney.

The Venice Charter emerged in 1964, two decades after WWII and in an age that promised limitless progress and economic development. Six decades later, we face a climate emergency, a growing number of natural disasters as well as conflicts destroying cultural sites and displacing communities on a massive scale.

The intention in conserving and restoring monuments is to safeguard them no less as works of art than as historical evidence” (Article 3) while maintaining them on a “permanent basis” (Article 4).

The International Day for Monuments and Sites (IDMS) is each year celebrated in April, provides us with a unique opportunity to raise awareness of this foundational instrument which is at the core of ICOMOS’ history and identity and to consider the threats to our cultural heritage.

ICOMOS Ireland will be celebrating the 60th anniversary of the Venice Charter later in 2024.


Professor Loughlin Kealy –  ‘Post trauma recovery and ideals of conservation’

Professor Loughlin Kealy is Emeritus Professor of Architecture and FRIAI, advises national and international bodies, helping to shape public policy on architecture and the protection of the built cultural inheritance.

Dr Will Megarry‘Conservation in a New Climate: Rethinking Heritage Practice in the Climate Emergency’Dr Will Megarry is Senior Lecturer at QUB, archaeologist, geographical information systems (GIS) and heritage management specialist. ICOMOS Focal Point for Climate Change and Expert Member on ISC on Archaeological Heritage Management.

Dr Elizabeth Shotton – ‘The Impact of Climate Change on Ireland’s Piers and Quays’

Associate Professor Elizabeth Shotton teaches construction technology and design in the UCD Architecture programme and is leading a study on Ireland’s Minor Harbours (https://digital.ucd.ie/view/ucdlib:255666), examining the evolution of maritime engineering in small harbours from the seventeenth century to the present.

Anthony CornsMethods and tools for the monitoring of climate change effects on the Historic Environment’

Anthony Corns is Technology Manager, The Discovery Programme: Centre for Archaeology and Innovation Ireland –  Anthony is currently the Discovery Programme Project manager for CHERISH and the ESFRI E-RIHS (European Research Infrastructure for Heritage Science) project for monitoring coastal erosion affecting archaeological sites and the risk hazard mapping undertaken for NMS. 

20th Century Heritage of Laois: Members’ Meeting January 2024

Angela Rolfe, convener of the ICOMOS Ireland 20th Century Heritage Work Group, presents on the approach, research and findings of the work groups Preliminary Desktop Survey of 20th Century Buildings in Co. Laois. John Beattie, 20th Century Work Group member, then presents on the Joint ICOMOS Ireland and NIAH walking tour delivered as part of Heritage Week 2023.

The presentation explores the town’s 20th Century architecture including the county’s only round house, educational buildings by Vincent Kelly and the acclaimed County Hospital of 1936 by Michael Scott and Norman Good.

Click here to watch a recording of this lecture

“Conserving Twentieth Century Heritage for an Equitable, Sustainable Future” – ICOMOS Ireland Annual Maura Shaffrey Memorial Lecture 2023

ICOMOS Ireland is delighted to announce the online publication of the 2023 Annual Maura Shaffrey Memorial Lecture, presented by Susan Macdonald, Co-President of ICOMOS International Scientific Committee on Twentieth Century Heritage (ISC20C) and Head of Buildings and Sites at the Getty Conservation Institute.

The recording of this lecture can be viewed here

Involving research, field projects, training and dissemination, Susan oversees more than 20 projects that aim to advance conservation practice internationally. Susan holds a BSc (Architecture) and a Bachelor of Architecture from the University of Sydney, and a Masters in Conservation Studies (University of York/ICCROM). She is a certified practicing planner and has worked as a conservation architect in private practice in Australia and in England. She has also worked in the public sector where she has been involved in a wide range of conservation issues at the strategic and bottom-up level, involving urban planning, development, economics, policy, technical matters and world heritage issues. Susan has as an interest in 20th-century heritage and is a member of the DOCOMOMO International Specialist Technical Committee. She was elected as Co-President of the ICOMOS 20th Century Committee at the AGM held at the Sydney Opera House during the recent ICOMOS GA2023. https://isc20c.icomos.org/

CONSERVING TWENTIETH CENTURY HERITAGE FOR AN EQUITABLE, SUSTAINABLE FUTURE Much of the world’s-built environment dates from the second half of the twentieth century, a period of unprecedented environmental, social, cultural and economic change – sometimes described at the Great Acceleration. It is in dealing with the heritage of the last 50 or so years that we confront some of the most critical and urgent issues of the day. Taking, arguably, two of the most pressing challenges facing contemporary society – our need to respond to the climate change emergency and the imperative for social justice and inequity – I seek to examine how recognizing and conserving 20th century heritage can contribute to addressing these issues. Where does conservation fit in these imperatives? How do we as heritage practitioners, policy makers and stewards of the built environment contribute to or hinder overcoming them. In grappling with these challenges for twentieth century heritage, new approaches and frameworks for heritage practice more generally will inevitably emerge. So too we will find more support for and success in stewarding twentieth-century heritage. Alan Mee provided a response to Susan’s lecture. Alan is Senior Lecturer in Urban Design at the School of Architecture, Planning and Environmental Policy, at University College Dublin and Architecture Advisor to the Arts Council.

Annual Maura Shaffrey Memorial Lecture 2023: Conserving Twentieth Century Heritage for an Equitable, Sustainable Future


18.00 Thursday 2 November 2023

Hibernian Conference Hall, Dublin Castle

ICOMOS Ireland is delighted to announce that the 2023 Annual Maura Shaffrey Memorial Lecture will be presented by Susan Macdonald Co-President of ICOMOS International Scientific Committee on Twentieth Century Heritage (ISC20C) and Head of Buildings and Sites at the Getty Conservation Institute. Involving research, field projects, training and dissemination, Susan oversees more than 20 projects that aim to advance conservation practice internationally.  Susan holds a BSc (Architecture) and a Bachelor of Architecture from the University of Sydney, and a Masters in Conservation Studies (University of York/ICCROM). She is a certified practicing planner and has worked as a conservation architect in private practice in Australia and in England.  She has also worked in the public sector where she has been involved in a wide range of conservation issues at the strategic and bottom-up level, involving urban planning, development, economics, policy, technical matters and world heritage issues. Susan has as an interest in 20th-century heritage and is a member of the DOCOMOMO International Specialist Technical Committee. She was elected as Co-President of the ICOMOS 20th Century Committee at the AGM  held at the Sydney Opera House during the recent ICOMOS GA2023. https://isc20c.icomos.org/



Much of the world’s-built environment dates from the second half of the twentieth century, a period of unprecedented environmental, social, cultural and economic change – sometimes described at the Great Acceleration. It is in dealing with the heritage of the last 50 or so years that we confront some of the most critical and urgent issues of the day. Taking, arguably, two of the most pressing challenges facing contemporary society – our need to respond to the climate change emergency and the imperative for social justice and inequity – I seek to examine how recognizing and conserving 20th century heritage can contribute to addressing these issues. Where does conservation fit in these imperatives? How do we as heritage practitioners, policy makers and stewards of the built environment contribute to or hinder overcoming them. In grappling with these challenges for twentieth century heritage, new approaches and frameworks for heritage practice more generally will inevitably emerge.  So too we will find more support for and success in stewarding twentieth-century heritage.


Alan Mee will respond to Susan’s lecture. Alan is Senior Lecturer in Urban Design at the School of Architecture, Planning and Environmental Policy, at University College Dublin and Architecture Advisor to the Arts Council.

A reception will be held after a brief Q+A session.


Please book your ticket here: https://www.eventbrite.ie/e/icomos-ireland-annual-maura-shaffrey-memorial-lecture-2023-tickets-733034033527 

The Irish National War Memorial Gardens Islandbridge, Dublin: Contested Cultural Heritage

Angela Rolfe gave a presentation on the contested cultural heritage of the Irish National War Memorial Gardens Islandbridge, Dublin, at the ICOMOS Ireland Member’s Meeting in February 2023.


To view a recording of this talk, please click here

The Irish National War Memorial Gardens [INWMG] Dublin, Ireland was constructed during the turbulent period of the Irish War of Independence, Partition and the creation of the Irish Free State. It was a joint initiative between the Free State Government and the Irish National War Memorial Trust. Although it was completed in 1938, its history has been marked by periods of delay, official support, antagonism – two bombs in 1950s, neglect, amnesia and vandalised during the build-up to the height of the Troubles in Northern Ireland. It was restored in the years leading up to the Good Friday Agreement, but was only officially opened and recognised in 1988. IWMG was the last memorial designed by Sir Edwin Lutyens, architect responsible for more than 190 cemeteries and memorials in Britain, the Western Front and many former British colonies. The memorial was constructed by ex-soldiers – 50% British and 50% Irish servicemen – between 1930-8.

The architect’s original designs for this landscaped memorial illustrate a synthesis of Lutyens lifetime’s work, from the English Arts and Craft tradition, classical architecture and the formality of symmetry of the layout of New Delhi and the careful dignity of cemeteries on the Western Front. The full-size drawings of stone details and finely honed detailed design by Lutyens provide evidence of the care and attention that was given to every aspect that was carried through into the construction. The Irish National War Memorial Gardens is an All-Ireland Memorial, it has been and remains an important barometer of the complex relationships between the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland/United Kingdom.

Angela Rolfe is an architect, formerly with the OPW, and a Board member of ICOMOS Ireland.

Workshop: The Future of the World Heritage Convention

To mark the 50th Anniversary of the World Heritage Convention, 1972 ICOMOS Ireland is hosting a workshop on Monday 12th December, 2022 in University College Dublin.

The Workshop will create an opportunity to follow on from the subject matter of the Annual Maura Shaffrey Lecture 2022:

“The Future for the World Heritage Convention: Concepts, Challenges, and Changes”

which is taking place in Trinity College Dublin on Thursday December 8th.

Dr Roha W. Khalaf has kindly agreed to attend the Workshop which will be facilitated by the World Heritage Working Group supported by the Emerging Professionals Group of ICOMOS Ireland.

The Workshop will take place from 10am until 1pm. Lunch will be provided afterwards.

The Workshop will be held in Active Learning Room H240, the UCD O’Brien Centre for Science Hub, UCD, Belfied ,Dublin 4.(See Map below: Building 64, Grid D6) https://ucdestates.ie/information/ucd-maps/

Please RSVP prior to Midday on Thursday 8th December 2022. You can book your free ticket here: https://www.eventbrite.ie/e/workshop-annual-maura-shaffrey-lecture-2022-tickets-470967495457

ICOMOS Ireland was founded in 1984. It has grown and developed and has a wide membership drawn from the State heritage services, local government, museums, universities and private practice. ICOMOS Ireland follows and comments on matters in regard to World Heritage Sites and Sites on the Tentative list in Ireland.

Dr Roha W. Khalaf is a consultant architect and independent scholar, currently in Kuwait City, Kuwait. She holds a Ph.D. in Aménagement (Environmental Design) from Université de Montréal (2013), a Master of Architecture, a Bachelor of Architectural Studies with a minor in French literature and a Certificate in Teaching Skills from Carleton University, Canada. Her experience includes architectural and urban design, cultural heritage conservation and policy-making. Roha is member of ICOMOS Canada and member of the Association of Critical Heritage Studies.

Annual Maura Shaffrey Lecture, December 8th 2022

To mark the 50th Anniversary of the World Heritage Convention 1972 ICOMOS Ireland is hosting its Annual Maura Shaffrey Memorial Lecture on Thursday 8th December at 6pm for the 6.30 pm Lecture which will be held in the Edmund Burke Theatre, at the Arts Building, Trinity College Dublin.

ICOMOS Ireland requests the pleasure of your company at the Lecture entitled:

“The Future for the World Heritage Convention: Concepts, Challenges, and Changes”

Our Keynote speaker will be Dr Roha W. Khalaf. The Lecture will be followed by a reception in the Atrium. Booking is essential to allow us cater for the event. Please register by 12pm on Wednesday, 30th November for in-person attendance.


Dr. Roha W. Khalaf is a consultant architect and independent scholar, currently in Kuwait City, Kuwait. She holds a Ph.D. in Aménagement (Environmental Design) from Université de Montréal (2013), a Master of Architecture, a Bachelor of Architectural Studies with a minor in French literature and a Certificate in Teaching Skills from Carleton University, Canada. Her experience includes architectural and urban design, cultural heritage conservation and policy-making. Her interest in World Heritage took off in 2016 when she felt the need to contribute to the debate on reconstruction. After publishing “A viewpoint”, she was invited to participate in the ICOMOS University Forum Workshop on Authenticity and Reconstruction in Paris, in March 2017. Shortly after, she spent two months at the University of Cambridge as a Visiting Scholar of the McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research to further develop her policy ideas, and was invited to participate in a UNESCO-World Bank brainstorming meeting on reconstruction at UNESCO Headquarters in Paris. Roha later decided, as an independent scholar, to gradually build up a practical policy proposal for the future implementation of the World Heritage Convention, moving from reconstruction and authenticity towards other World Heritage matters, including integrity, culture/nature divide, sustainable development goals, climate action, and periodic reporting. Because of this gradual approach, her research is published as a series of articles in international peer-reviewed journals. ORCID: http://orcid.org/0000-0002-5779-7079 Roha is member of ICOMOS Canada and member of the Association of Critical Heritage Studies.

Other Stories – Book Launch 2022

Other Stories: Cultural Heritage and Society

ICOMOS Ireland presents five events exploring themes of community-led heritage and cultural diversity across Ireland. These events mark the launch of OTHER STORIES: Cultural Heritage and Society and celebrate the ambition for the FARO Convention within the Irish context.

You are invited to a book launch and afternoon of activities with Bí Urban and 14 Henrietta Street at Dublin Port. All Welcome! The event will be held at the Port Centre, Dublin Port Company, on November 24th, 3-5pm.

Please RSVP by email to icomosirelandsecretary@gmail.com by 5pm on 22nd November. 

You can read OTHER STORIES: Cultural Heritage and Society here

International Day of Monuments and Sites 2022

Rushing to Retrofit. Climate Justice or Left Out in the Cold’
14 April 2022 | 1800 hrs | Online

For this year’s International Day of Monuments and Sites (IDMS), we explore the theme of ‘Heritage and Climate Justice’. We invite ICOMOS Ireland NSC and WG Conveners, international ICOMOS members and non-ICOMOS bodies to respond to this pertinent topic, under the title of ‘Rushing to Retrofit. Climate Justice or Left Out in the Cold’.
In consideration of the relevance of this year’s IDMS to ICOMOS Ireland’s Climate Change Conversation series, we are hosting a combined event in joint review. In response to the ICOMOS Triennial Scientific Plan, 2021-24, ICOMOS Ireland are continuing a series of exchanges titled ‘Climate Change Conversations’, to highlight and address our role in this initiative. This plan calls on all National Committees, International Scientific Committees and Working Groups to identify appropriate organisational climate action at every level . This event will offer the third installment in this series.

Click here to view a recording of this event. 


Introduction: David Hughes (The ICOMOS Ireland National Scientific Committee on Energy + Sustainability (NSC E+S) & comment on the effect of the current approach to viewing embodied carbon)

Speaker 02: Colm Murray (comment on ICOMOS Ireland NSC participations)

Speaker 03: Peter Cox (Appropriate retrofitting to existing built heritage to benefit all stakeholders, to include reference to the Historic England Scoping Study, ‘Understanding Carbon in the Historic Environment’)

Conclusion: Ishanlosen Odiaua (ICOMOS Climate Change Working Group)

Open Discussion


This Conversation is the third in a series of ICOMOS Ireland events relating to Climate Change and Cultural Heritage which are scheduled for 2021- 2022. For further information on previous discussions, and to view recordings of previous events in this series, please navigate to ‘News and Events’. 

ICOMOS Ireland-UK Meeting – April 2022

Date: Friday 8 to Sunday 10 April 2022

Venue: Galeri Theatre, Victoria Dock, Caernarfon

ICOMOS UK and ICOMOS Ireland are arranging to hold a joint meeting for members in Wales during 9-10 April 2022. Saturday will be a morning conference with papers on current issues from each group followed by a walking tour of Caernarfon Castle and Town Walls. A conference dinner is arranged for the evening. The second day will be a tour by coach of the most recently inscribed UK World Heritage Site – The Slate Landscape of North-West Wales – to view some of the quarries and associated vernacular buildings. A conference fee will cover attendance, teas/coffees/lunch and dinner on Saturday as well as coach transport around the slate landscape. 

To book your ticket, please click here.

We are advised to book our own accommodation in Bangor which is a short bus ride away from the conference centre in Caernarfon. It is assumed that members would opt to take the boat from Dublin to Holyhead in the afternoon of Friday 8th connecting to Bangor by train and returning on Sunday 10th in the evening.  If there are more people than places it would be possible to join by taking a car – perhaps on a shared basis.

Dip into the website to whet your appetite – http://www.llechi.cymru/

The Slate Landscape of Northwest Wales illustrates the transformation that industrial slate quarrying and mining brought about in the traditional rural environment of the mountains and valleys of the Snowdon massif. The territory, extending from mountain-top to sea-coast, presented opportunities and constraints that were used and challenged by the large-scale industrial processes, which reshaped the agricultural landscape into an industrial centre for slate production during the Industrial Revolution (1780-1914). The components encompass relict quarries and mines, archaeological sites related to slate industrial processing, historical settlements, both living and relict, historic gardens and grand country houses, ports, harbours and quays, as well as railway and road systems illustrating the functional and social linkages of the slate industrial landscape.