Monthly Meetings and Talks
Meetings of the National Committee were held the second Tuesday each month at the Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland, 63 Merrion Square, Dublin 2 at 6pm. Since 2022 they are now online and invitations with a meeting link will be sent to active members.
The meeting can take the format of a general membership meeting or a presentation by an ICOMOS Member. These range from policy matters to case studies and issues for professional practice and are characterised by valuable interdisciplinary profession discussion.
The committee meetings are preceded by a Board meeting which reports briefly to the main members meeting.
Annual Maura Shaffrey Memorial Lecture
Rebuilding Notre Dame | Rebatir Notre Dame
YouTube Link to Philippe Villeneuve Lecture Saturday 25th January 2025
The 2024 ICOMOS Ireland Annual Maura Shaffrey Memorial Lecture was presented by Philippe Villeneuve the lead Chief Architect for Historic Monuments (ACMH) responsible for the restoration of Notre Dame Cathedral. This 25th Annual Maura Shaffrey Memorial Lecture took place on Saturday 25 January 2025 at The Printworks, Dublin Castle.
Notre Dame Cathedral reopened to visitors on December 7th, 2024, less than 6 years after the tragic fire of April 2019. The restoration of Notre Dame Cathedral was led by chief architect Philippe Villeneuve, assisted by Rémi Fromont and Pascal Prunet. The project involved around 2,000 craftspeople, 250 companies, and cost about €850 million, demonstrating the immense scale and complexity of the work which was completed on a tight deadline.
Philippe Villeneuve graduated as an architect in 1989 and became Chief Architect of Historic Monuments in 1997. Since 1998, his work has involved supervising and advising on the protection of historic monuments in various regions of France (Charente, Creuse, Haute-Vienne, Charente-Martimine, Loir et Cher) as well as carrying out restoration work on listed monuments belonging to the State.
In 2011, he was appointed Chief Architect of Historic Monuments of Chambord and in 2013 of Notre-Dame de Paris. Some of his other main projects include:
- The restoration of Saint-Amant-de-Boixe abbey;
- The restoration of the interior and exterior of the choir of Saint-Pierre cathedral in Angoulême;
- The rescue and restoration of the bell tower at Notre-Dame church in La Souterraine;
- The restoration of the portal of Saint-Jean and the chevet of Cathédrale Saint-Étienne de Limoges in Limoges;
- The restoration of the château and grand staircase at La Rochefoucauld.
The fire that destroyed Notre-Dame de Paris on April 15, 2019 had a global impact. Televisions, newspapers and social networks around the world showed the flames devouring the medieval roofs and the spire collapsing with a crash muffled by the shock cries of desperate spectators. We thought that Notre-Dame was going to disappear.
President E. Macron has decided that the cathedral will be rebuilt in five years.
This was done.
This lecture retraces the different stages that made it possible, the day after the fire, to meet the challenge of rebuilding Notre-Dame and reopening it to worship and the public on December 8, 2024.
Philippe Villeneuve December 2024
Disclaimer: The simultaneous interpretation does not constitute an authentic record of proceedings. The simultaneous interpretation serves only to facilitate communication amongst the participants in the meeting. Only the original speech or the revised written translation of that speech is authentic. The use of the recorded interpretation for any purpose other than that mentioned above is strictly prohibited.
Past Lectures Listing
24th Annual Maura Shaffrey Memorial Lecture 2023:
‘Conserving Twentieth Century Heritage for an Equitable, Sustainable Future’
Susan Macdonald
This presentation can be viewed on our YouTube channel – please click here.
23rd Annual Maura Shaffrey Memorial Lecture 2022:
‘The Future for the World Heritage Convention: Concepts, Challenges, and Changes’
Dr Roha Khalaf
This presentation can be viewed on our YouTube channel – please click here.
The slides can be downloaded here.
22nd Annual Maura Shaffrey Memorial Lecture 2021:
‘Cultural Heritage: A Missing Link in Climate Action: Post COP26 – Has the Gap been filled?’
Andrew Potts
This presentation can be viewed on our YouTube channel – please click here.
21st Annual Maura Shaffrey Memorial Lecture 2020:
‘People and Place: Expressions of Shared Heritage Through Intangible Cultural Heritage’
Clara Arokiosamy, OBE
This presentation can be viewed on our YouTube channel – please click here.
20th Annual Maura Shaffrey Memorial Lecture 2019:
‘Keeping Heritage Above Water’
Dr. Cara Augustenborg
All presentations can be viewed on our YouTube channel – please click here.
19th Annual Maura Shaffrey Memorial Lecture 2018:
‘Future Historic City: New Approaches for a Sustainable 21st Century City’
Professor Michael Turner
This presentation can be viewed on our YouTube channel – please click here.
18th Annual Maura Shaffrey Memorial Lecture 2017:
‘The Heritage of Tourism: Keeping Sight of Sites’
Dr. Peter Harbison
17th Annual Maura Shaffrey Memorial Lecture 2015:
‘Connecting Conservation through COTAC’
16th Annual Maura Shaffrey Memorial Lecture 2014:
‘On Altering Architecture’
Fred Scott
On Altering Architecture Book Link
15th Annual Maura Shaffrey Memorial Lecture 2013:
‘Energy Efficiency and Traditional Buildings: Work by Historic Scotland’
Roger Curtis
Technical Research Manager, Historic
Scotland Conservation Group
14th Annual Maura Shaffrey Memorial Lecture 2012:
‘Soul of the City: Cultural Heritage, Communities and Tourism’
Dr Sue Millar
President ICOMOS International
Committee for Cultural Tourism
13th Annual Maura Shaffrey Memorial Lecture 2011:
‘Sustainable Regional Strategies based on the Built Heritage’
Dr Christer Gustafsson
Director Heritage Halland, Sweden
12th Annual Maura Shaffrey Memorial Lecture 2011:
‘Drafting of the Venice Charter: Historical Developments in Conservation‘
Professor Andrea Pane
11th Annual Maura Shaffrey Memorial Lecture 2010:
‘Preserving Heritage in View of its Evolving Perception and its new Role in Society – A Global Leadership Challenge for ICOMOS‘
Gustavo F. Araoz AIA President ICOMOS
10th Annual Maura Shaffrey Memorial Lecture 2008:
‘Edinburgh: Conservation and Development in a World Heritage City‘
Malcolm Cooper
9th Annual Maura Shaffrey Memorial Lecture 2007:
‘Conserving the Vernacular in a Temperate Zone‘
Malcolm Cooper
7th Annual Maura Shaffrey Memorial Lecture 2005:
‘Recent Developments in Conservation Strategies‘
Dr Jukka Jokilehto
6th Annual Maura Shaffrey Memorial Lecture 2003:
‘The Role of Heritage in Urban Cultural Policies: Issues for Western Europe Debates since Second World War‘
Dr Franco Bianchini
5th Annual Maura Shaffrey Memorial Lecture 2002:
‘Migration and Traditional Housing A Transatlantic View‘
Dr Philip Mowat, Curator Ulster American Folk Park + Chairman Historic Buildings Council NI
2nd Annual Maura Shaffrey Memorial Lecture 1999 Tourism Development‘
Mt Neil Ross, Conservation Research Manager, Historic Scotland
1st Annual Maura Shaffrey Memorial Lecture 1998:
‘Issues for Conservation in Cultural Heritage Tourism Development‘
Mt Neil Ross, Conservation Research Manager, Historic Scotland
Seminars and Workshops
Climate Change Conversations: Cultural Heritage – Workshop Series
Climate Change Conversations 01
As part of Heritage Week 2021, ICOMOS Ireland held an online Climate Conversation, with generous support from the Heritage Council.
The planet is at a crossroads where business as usual is no longer an option. In December 2020, the ICOMOS General Assembly overwhelmingly voted to declare a Climate and Ecological Emergency. The declaration also recognises the immense potential of cultural heritage to enable inclusive, transformative and just climate action. Climate change is the most pressing issue of our time, and will affect every aspect of our lives. The solution will require action at every level of society. For Heritage Week 2021, in advance of COP26, ICOMOS Ireland held a public Climate Change Conversation, aimed at identifying ways and means to expand knowledge and define good practice for supporting heritage responses to climate change. The event will consist of three short introductory talks, followed by a 40 minute discussion with participation from the audience. What can ICOMOS Ireland do to focus on Climate Change?
- Introduction – Deirdre McDermott
- Built Heritage Sectoral Adaptation Plan and the Climate Heritage Network – Jacqui Donnelly
- Climate Change: a Monumental Challenge – Professor John Sweeney
A recording of this event can be viewed on our YouTube channel – please click here.
Climate Change Conversations 02
A second workshop in this series was held as a follow-up to the Annual Maura Shaffrey Lecture, on November 20th 2021. This workshop was facilitated by the Emerging Professional Working Group of ICOMOS Ireland. The Workshop explored the relevant action and application of cultural heritage in supporting national and international objectives for net-zero carbon, just transition, circular concepts
Themes addressed in the workshop included:
- Intelligent strategies for reuse and adaptation;
- resilient cities/towns/villages;
- vernacular and intangible cultural heritage
For a recording of this workshop, please click here.
International Day of Monuments and Sites 2022
‘Rushing to Retrofit. Climate Justice or Left Out in the Cold’
14 April 2022 | 1800 hrs | Online
This Conversation is the third in a series of ICOMOS Ireland events relating to Climate Change and Cultural Heritage which are scheduled for 2021- 2022.
Introduction: David Hughes (President ICOMOS Ireland’s National Scientific Committee on Energy, Sustainability and Climate Change (NSCES+CC) comments on the effect of the current approach to viewing embodied carbon)
Speaker 02: Colm Murray (comment on ICOMOS Ireland NSC participations)
Speaker 03: Peter Cox (Appropriate retrofitting to existing built heritage to benefit all stakeholders, to include reference to the Historic England Scoping Study, ‘Understanding Carbon in the Historic Environment’)
Conclusion: Ishanlosen Odiaua (ICOMOS Climate Change Working Group)
Open Discussion
To view the flyer for this event, click here.
Watch a recording of this event here.
Past Events
April 2022: Joint ICOMOS Ireland-UK Meeting, Caernarfon, Wales.
ICOMOS UK and ICOMOS Ireland held a joint meeting for members in Wales during 8-10 April 2022. This event included a conference on Saturday morning, with papers on current issues from each group, followed by a walking tour of Caernarfon Castle and Town Walls. On Sunday, there was a tour by coach of the most recently inscribed UK World Heritage Site – The Slate Landscape of North-West Wales – to view some of the quarries and associated vernacular buildings. The programme for this event can be seen here.
June 2019: The Culture Nature Spectrum: Conversations about Irish Cultural Landscapes with an International Perspective.
The ICOMOS Ireland National Scientific Committee on Cultural Landscapes hosted an International meeting and Public Symposium in Dublin. All presentations can be viewed on our YouTube channel – please click here.
9-10th April 2018: Sustainable Development Goals.
ICOMOS Ireland and the ICOMOS International Scientific Committee on Energy, Sustainability and Climate Change (ISCES+CC) held a meeting and public seminar on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Dublin.
18th April 2018: International Day of Monuments and Sites – ‘Heritage for Generations’
ICOMOS Ireland Emerging Professionals held an open information evening and walking tour exploring the charters and conventions which shape conservation and cultural heritage practice. Videos of this event have been created with generous support from the Heritage Council. These videos can be viewed on our YouTube channel – please click here.